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摘要:在利用芸芥自交不亲和系途径开展育种研究的过程中 ,为了避免在人工试配组合时,双亲蕾期杂交结籽率较好,但在自然隔离条件下配制杂交种 时出现双亲花期交配不亲和的现象,本试验对10份芸芥进行了系内株间和系间的完全双列杂 交,同时对自交不亲和基因的表达器官进行了DDRT-PCR扩增研究。结果表明,芸芥1、芸芥3 、芸芥5、芸芥6、芸芥8、芸芥9和芸芥13这7份材料系内株间异交和套袋自交的亲和指数均 小于1,即表现为不亲和性,说明这些材料属于S等位基因纯合的不亲和系;而芸芥2、芸芥4 和芸芥10这三份材料系内株间异交和套袋自交时,呈现出不亲和性不稳定的现象,即一部分 杂交表现为亲和,另一部分杂交表现为不亲和,说明这3份材料的自交不亲和性尚未稳定。D DRT-PCR扩增结果表明,芸芥自交不亲和S基因只在柱头组织中表达,其属于组织特异性表达 。因此,在利用自交不亲和系途径培育一代杂种时,在农艺学性状和自交不亲和性基本稳定 时,有必要进一步测定自交不亲和系S等位基因的纯合性和基因型,这一工作可以有效地指 导育种实践。
关键词:芸芥 自交不亲和系 S等位基因 基因表达 DDRT-PCR
AbstractIn the process of breeding research by ways of sel fincompatible lines in E. Sativa Mill., there is often a phenomenon that t he seed setting percentage from the cross of two parents is high in bud stage, b ut the number of seeds is low in late stage owing to the natural segregation. By using the method of complete diallel crossing, the purity of S alleles in 10 se lfincompatible lines of E. Sativa Mill. was studied, and the expression ti ssue of selfincompatible genes was analyzed with DDRT-PCR technique. The resul ts showed that the selfcompatible index of Yunjie 1, Yunjie 3, Yunjie 5, Yunji e 6, Yunjie 8, Yunjie 9 and Yunjie 13 was below 1 after selfing or outcrossing among these 7 selfincompatible lines, that is to say, their selfincompatibil ity was stable. However, the selfincompatibility of Yunjie 2, Yunjie 4 and Yun jie 10 was not stable. DDRT-PCR analysis showed that the selfincompatible gene s of E. Sativa Mill. didn’t belong to constitutive expression, but to speci fic tissue expression. Therefore, when creating F1 hybrids by ways of selfinco mpatible lines, it is necessary for us to determinate the purity of S alleles an d their genotypes besides agronomic traits and selfincompatible stability.
Key wordsEruca sativa Mill. self incompatible lines S al leles gene expression DDRT-PCR
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
FAN Hui-ling, WANG Wen-qian, LI Yan-long, BAI Sheng-wen.Study on S alleles and their expression in self incompatible lines of Eruca Sativa Mill.[J].杂志名称,2013,(5):110-116