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((1.中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点试验 室/ 〖JZ〗中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾开放试验室, 甘肃 兰州 730020;2.甘肃省武威农业气象试验站, 甘肃 武威 733000))

Response of rape yield to soil water storage and heat in dryland of high elevation area
DING Wen-kui1,2, MA Xing-xiang2, WANG He-ling1
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摘要:为制定气候变化情景下农作物种植应对措施,采用 分期播种法,研究高海拔旱作区春油菜产量对土壤有效贮水量和热量的响应。结果表明,高 海拔旱地土壤有效贮水量在油菜生长前期较多,后期较少。出苗期和开花期土壤有效贮水量 对油菜产量的影响较小,薹花期和角果发育期土壤贮水对产量影响较大,薹花期、角果发育 期油菜产量与土壤贮水量正相关显著,薹花期土壤贮水每增加10 mm,产量增加71.7 kg·hm -2;角果发育期土壤贮水每增加10 mm,产量增加30.13 kg·hm-2。热量也是 影响油菜产量的重要因素,油菜产量与日平均气温、积温负相关显著,日平均气温每升高1 ℃,产量减少163 kg·hm-2;积温每升高50℃·d,产量减少251.15 kg·hm-2 ,根据不同气候条件和油菜生长特点,从品种、播期、技术与结构等方面提出了种植应对措 施。

关键词:高海拔旱地  春油菜产量  土壤有效水贮量  气候条件  应对措施

AbstractIn order to search for countermeasures of crop pla nting under the background of climatic change, the response of yield of spring r ape to available soil water storage and heat was studied in dryland of highele vation area by staging sowing method. The results showed that the soil water sto rage in dryland of highelevation area was more in the early growth period than that in the late growth period. The influence of available soil water storage t o yield was relatively low in seedling and blossom period, but it was rather hig h in bolting, flowering and pod development period. There were significant posit ive correlations between rape yield and soil water storage in bolting, flowering and pod development period. When soil water storage increased by 10mm during bo lting and flowering period, the rape yield could be improved by 71.7 kg·hm-2; when it increased by 10mm during pod development period, the rape yield cou ld be improved by 30.13 kg·hm-2. Heat was also an important factor affect ing rape yield. There were significant negative correlations between rape yield and daily mean temperature as well as accumulated temperature. When daily mean t emperature rose by 1℃, the rape yield could be reduced by 163 kg·hm-2; w hen accumulated temperature rose by 50℃·d, the rape yield could be reduced by 251.15 kg·hm-2. Different planting response measures were proposed accord ing to the growth characteristics of rape under different climatic conditions.

Key wordsdryland of high elevation area  yield of spring rape  available soil water storage  climatic condition  response measure

文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A



**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen


DING Wen-kui, MA Xing-xiang, WANG He-ling.Response of rape yield to soil water storage and heat in dryland of high elevation area[J].杂志名称,2013,(5):106-109
