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摘要:通过半开顶式CO2人工气候室,研究了CO2浓度升高(360、540 μmol·mol-1和720 μmol·mol-1)与不同氮肥营养(0、150、300 kg·hm-2和450 kg·hm-2)相互作用对蕾铃期棉花-土壤氮含量变化及棉花氮素吸收的影响,结果显示:大气CO2浓度增加,高氮肥处理下棉花叶片、蕾铃中氮含量显著降低,茎秆、根系中氮含量增加,棉花整株氮含量表现为下降;相同的CO2浓度下,随着氮素营养的增加棉花各器官氮积累量呈增加趋势,其中蕾铃、叶片氮积累量较高,茎秆、根系氮积累量相对较少,说明CO2浓度增加与增施氮肥促进了土壤氮素向植株叶片和生殖器官运输。通过对土壤无机氮含量的测定分析,CO2浓度升高为540 μmol·mol-1,各施氮水平下棉田土壤NO3--N含量显著降低,NH4+-N含量在低氮水平下有少量增加,在高氮水平下表现为降低;CO2浓度升高为720 μmol·mol-1,土壤NO3--N含量表现为降低,NH4+-N含量呈增加趋势。研究表明:大气CO2浓度增加且浓度范围在500~720 μmol·mol-1,增加氮肥施用量可有效促进棉花对氮素养分尤其是NO3--N的吸收利用。
关键词:CO2浓度升高 氮肥营养 滴灌棉田 “棉花-土壤”系统 氮分布
AbstractSemi-open-top artificial climate chamber is designed to study the effects of elevated CO2 concentration (360, 540 μmol·mol-1 and 720 μmol·mol-1) and different nitrogen fertilizer application (0, 150, 300 kg·hm-2 and 450 kg·hm-2) on nitrogen distribution of bud stage “cotton-soil” system. The results showed that, when CO2 concentration elevated to 540 μmol·mol-1, the total N content of cotton leaves and buds decreased significantly under high nitrogen levels (300, 450 kg·hm-2), but the total N content of cotton stems and roots increased slightly at different nitrogen levels, the whole cotton N content decreased and the decline proportion of elevated CO2 (540 μmol·mol-1) treatment was greater than the elevated CO2 (720 μmol·mol-1). Under the same CO2 concentration, the total N content of cotton plant had an increasing tendency accompanied by increase of nitrogen application rate, and nitrogen accumulation in cotton buds and leaves was more than that in cotton stems and roots. This showed that elevated CO2 concentration interacted with nitrogen fertilizer application to promote underground nitrogen nutrients transporting to cotton leaves and buds. The determination of soil NH4+-N and NO3--N of cotton field found that the effects was significant with elevated CO2 concentration on soil nitrogen content (P<0.05). Compared with the ambient CO2, when CO2 concentration elevated to 540 μmol·mol-1, cotton field soil NO3--N content decreased significantly at different nitrogen levels, but soil NH4+-N content increased slightly under low nitrogen levels (0, 150 kg·hm-2) and decreased under high nitrogen levels (300, 450 kg·hm-2); when CO2 concentration elevated to 720 μmol·mol-1, the soil NO3--N content still decreased but the decline proportion was lower than elevated CO2(540 μmol·mol-1), and soil NH4+-N content tended to increase. This study concluded that when CO2 concentration elevated to 500~700 μmol·mol-1, increasing nitrogen fertilizer application level (300 kg·hm-2) on cotton field could significantly promote cotton absorbing N especially NO3--N nutrient.
Key wordselevated CO2 nitrogen fertilizer application cotton field with drip irrigation “cotton-soil” system N distribution
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
吕 宁,尹飞虎,高志建,刘 瑜,谢宗铭.大气CO2浓度升高与氮肥营养对滴灌棉田“棉花-土壤”系统氮分布的影响[J].杂志名称,2014,(6):92-99
LU Ning, YIN Fei-hu, GAO Zhi-jian, LIU Yu, XIE Zong-ming.Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen distribution of “cotton-soil” in cotton field under drip irrigation[J].杂志名称,2014,(6):92-99