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(长春理工大学电子信息工程学院, 长春 130022;中国科学院国家空间科学中心复杂航天系统电子信息技术重点实验室, 北京 100190)

Inshore ship detection method in optical remote sensing images using local salient characteristics
Li Xuan,Liu Yunqing,Bian Chunjiang,Mao Bonian
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China;Key Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology for Space Systems, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
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摘要:目的 在光学遥感图像中,针对舷靠舰船灰度和纹理特征与港口相近,传统方法检测效果不理想的问题,提出一种基于局部显著特征的舷靠舰船检测方法。方法 首先,对原始图像预处理得到海陆分割后的二值图像;然后,提取二值图像中的直线段作为局部显著特征检测舰船目标;再将直线段提取结果与舰首检测相结合,建立舷靠舰船检测模型;最后,通过计算舰船几何尺寸及环境信息分析确定舰船目标。结果 在两幅不同场景的光学遥感图像中验证本文方法并与其他算法进行对比,本文方法识别率可达100%,且不存在误检和漏检情况,相比于其他算法具有一定优势。在舰船背景复杂或停泊朝向不定时,文中方法可有效判别舰船停靠方向并对舰船目标进行正确标记。结论 在复杂背景环境及其他干扰下,应用本文方法检测舷靠舰船目标准确率高,鲁棒性强,具有较高适应性。

关键词:光学遥感图像  舷靠舰船  目标检测  直线段  局部显著特征

AbstractObjective Automatic inshore ship detection from remote sensing imagery has many important applications, such as ship change detection and harbor dynamic surveillance. Stable performance of inshore ship detection is vital to the analysis of ship change and the determination of the harbor surveillance effect. Ship detection using optical remote sensing images has been a hot research topic. However, detecting inshore ships utilizing the traditional area-based method is difficult because the gray scale and texture character of inshore ships are similar to that of the shore. Therefore, we propose a method of inshore ship detection using local salient characteristics. Method First, the binary image is obtained by water and land segmentation preprocessing. Then, the line segments from binary images are extracted as the local salient features to detect ship targets. Next, line segment extraction result is combined with ship bow detection result to generate the ship detection model. Finally, the ship targets are acquired by calculating the ship geometric size and analyzing the environmental information. Result Experimental results indicate that the proposed inshore ship detection method is more effective and can robustly adapt to the complex background and mooring orientation. The detection result is more accurate compared with that of traditional methods, and the relognition rate is 100%.Conclusion In the complex background environment and other interferences, this method exhibits a high recognition rate, with high robustness and high adaptability.

Key wordsoptical remote sensing images  inshore ship  target detection  line segment  local salient characteristics

文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A

投稿时间:2015-08-20修订日期:2015-12-15 改回日期:2015_07_11


**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn


Li Xuan,Liu Yunqing,Bian Chunjiang,Mao Bonian.Inshore ship detection method in optical remote sensing images using local salient characteristics[J].杂志名称,2016,(5):657-664
