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摘要:通过在全膜双垄沟播技术模式下6个耐密型玉米杂交种不同密度(4.5、5.25、6.0、6.75、7.5万株·hm-2)的试验,研究了玉米产量及其性状与种植密度的关系。在本文研究密度范围内,玉米的产量随着密度的增加而增高;当密度达到一定程度之后,随着密度的增加,产量反而下降,二者呈二次曲线模式变化Y=-6417.314+5501.842X-396.330X2。结果表明,6个耐密型玉米杂交种在双垄全膜沟播技术模式下最佳密度为6.941万株·hm-2。此密度下各植株性状指标为:穗粒数为499.9粒、百粒重为38.63 g、出籽率为83.71%、穗长为17.5 cm、株高194 cm、茎粗2.14 cm、秃顶长1 cm。株高与密度之间为正相关,函数曲线是幂模型Y=140.607X0.16602,穗粒数、穗粗、茎粗、出籽率4个性状与密度之间为负相关,函数模型均为性状指标随密度的增加而减少的三次曲线。秃顶长、穗长、百粒重与密度的关系呈二次曲线模式变化。密度与秃顶长之间为正相关,与穗长、百粒重之间为负相关。秃顶长随着密度的增大而增加;穗长、百粒重随密度的增加而呈单边下降的变化趋势。穗位高与密度的相关不显著。
AbstractBy means of membrane double ditch technology pattern, an experiment of different densities in six dense resistance types of maize hybrids was carried out to study the relationship between production and its character and the plant density. Within the scope of density in this paper, the production of maize increased with the increase of density. When the density reaches to a certain extent, the production decreased with the increase of density instead, and both present a conic model Y=-6417.314+5501.842X-396.330X2. The result shows that the optimum density of the six dense resistant types of maize hybrids in membrane doubles ditch technology pattern is 6.941×104 strain·hm-2. Under this density, each plant trait indicators are: grain number per spike is 499.9 kernels, 100-grain weight is 38.63 g, the rate of seed is 83.71%, the length of ear is 17.5 cm, the height of plant is 194 cm, the diameter of stem is 2.14 cm and the length of bald head is 1cm. It presents a positive correlation between plant height and density, the function curve is power law model Y=140.607X0.16602. There is a negative correlation between density and the four traits of grain numbers per spike, the diameter of the grain, the diameter of stem and the rate of seed, its function model are all cubic curve in which the trait indicators decreased with the increase of density. It presents a conic model between density and the length of bald head, the length of ear and 100-grain weight. There is a positive correlation between density and bald head, and a negative correlation between the length of ear and 100-grain weight. The length of bald head increased with the increase of density. The length of ear and 100-grain weight presents a unilateral decline trend. The test also showed that there is no significant correlation between ear height and density.
Key wordsmaize optimum density all-film double-furrow yield plant characters
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
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