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摘要:试验通过研究枣树的茎流来预测其耗水量,为合理灌溉提供科学依据。利用植物茎流计在滴灌条件下测定枣树的茎流变化,结果表明2010年5月15日的最大值出现在中午12∶00,达到1 834.28 g·h-1,6月26日的最大茎流速率在13∶00,达到4 861.89 g·h-1,7月20日最大值出现在15∶00,达到6 385.88 g·h-1,8月10日最大茎流出现在16∶00,达到5 816.86 g·h-1;最小茎流都是出现在凌晨4∶00~8∶00。5月份的日平均累计流量比较小,枣树在这个月的日平均耗水量反而最小,到了7、8月份,随着温度的升高和雨季的结束,枣树耗水量明显增加,8月的日平均耗水累计量最高;通过相关分析,地表最高温度和最高气温对枣树的茎流量影响较大。研究得出:土壤含水量是影响茎流的变化主要因素,其它环境因子对茎流的影响也很重要。
AbstractThe experiment was conducted by researching stem flow to forecast water consumption, to provide scientific evidence for reasonable irrigation. The change of stem flow of jujube tree was measured by using the stem flow meter under drip irrigation. The results shown that: The maximum value of stem flow was appeared at 12∶00 PM, 15 May, 2010, the value was arrived 1 834.28 g·h-1; the maximum value of stem flow was appeared at 13∶00 PM, 26 June, the value was arrived 4 861.89 g·h-1; the maximum value of stem flow was appeared at 16∶00 PM, 10 August, the value was arrived 5 816.868 g·h-1; the minimal value of stem flow was total appeared in early morning from 4∶00 to 8∶00 AM. The average daily cumulative stem flow was relatively small in May, also the average daily water comsuption was minimal in this month. When came to the July and August, the water consumption of jujube tree was obviously increased with rising temperature and end of rainy season. The average daily cumulative water comsumtion was maximal in August. Through the correlation analysis, the maximal temperature at the land surface and maximal air temperature have the large effect on stem flow of jujube tree. The conclusion of this experiment was that the soil moisture content was the major factor to influence the stem flow, also the other environmental factor was very important too.
Key wordsjujube tree stem flow drop irrigation stem flow meter water consumption of jujube tree
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
WANG Wen-ming, ZHENG De-ming, JIANG Yi-juan, LIU Jun-hong.Research on water consumption rule of jujube tree under drop irrigation[J].杂志名称,2014,(6):38-42