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((1.新疆农业科学院粮食作物研究所, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830091; 2.新疆农业大学农学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052))

Effect of drip irrigation on growth, temporal and spatial distribution of root of winter wheat
XUE Li-hua1, XIE Xiao-qing2, DUAN Li-na2, ZHANG Jian-xin2
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摘要:以新冬18号为材料,利用双管分根管栽法,模拟田间试验研究了拔节期后不同滴灌次数W1(6次)、W2(7次)、W3(9次)、W4(11次)(每次内、外管分别滴30 mm)对0~100 cm土层含水量,0~100 cm土层初、次生根干重和长度、根系活性分布及产量的影响。结果表明,随滴灌次数及总滴灌量的增加,0~40 cm土层的含水量增加,并延缓该土层的初生根干重和根长的衰减、促进次生根干重和根长增长,增加孕穗期至花后20 d初、次生根干重密度、根长密度及根系活性,而对40~100 cm土层根系的生长影响较小。小麦产量和水分利用效率均以W4最高,分别为25.5 g·管-1和1.36 kg·m-3 。当滴灌量少、湿润土层浅时,小麦深层初、次生根生长易受严重抑制,且根系分布浅,初生根提前衰老,导致千粒重降低而减产。

关键词:滴灌量  冬小麦  初生根  次生根  根干重  根长  时空分布

AbstractIt is well recognized that the roots are much like straws through which water and minerals from the soil move upward to the shoot of the plant. Modifying the function of roots can affect the growth and yield of the aboveground parts. In this study, the influence of four drip irrigation treatment on spatiotemporal root distribution of Xindong18 and yield was investigated in Xinjiang. The four irrigation treatments were six times (W1), seven times (W2), nine times (W3), eleven times (W4) drip irrigation at post-jointing stage, and inner and outer tube were drip 30mm per times. The study aims to simulate the effect of drip irrigation on water content, dry weight of primary root and lateral root, root length, distribution of root activity and yield at 0~100 cm soil layer during post-jointing stage. Wheat cultivar Xindong 18 was used with dual-tube cultivation including a cylindrical tube concentrically located within a cylindrical plastic tube and thus formed two isolated regions. The results indicated that soil water content in layer of 0~40 cm increased with wheat growth stage and the amount of drip irrigation. Drip irrigation delayed the decay of dry weight of primary root and lateral root and its root length, increased dry weight of lateral root and its root length, and elevated the density of dry weight in primary root and lateral root, root length and root activity from booting stage to 20 days post anthesis. The yield and water use efficiency of wheat were highest with 11 times of irrigation. The growth of primary and lateral root was severely inhibited. The shallow distributed root, advanced aging of primary root, and decreased 1000-grain weight resulted in yield loss as the times and amount of drip irrigation decreased.

Key wordsdrip irrigation  winter wheat  primary root  lateral roots  root dry weight  root length  temporal and spatial distribution of root

文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A



**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen


XUE Li-hua, XIE Xiao-qing, DUAN Li-na, ZHANG Jian-xin.Effect of drip irrigation on growth, temporal and spatial distribution of root of winter wheat[J].杂志名称,2014,(6):1-9
