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摘要:采用相关分析和主成分分析方法对黄河三角洲棉田试验区土壤盐分特征进行研究,结果表明,试验区土壤为中度盐渍化,且盐分呈现一定的表聚现象;土壤各层盐基离子中,阳离子以Na+为主,阴离子以Cl-为主,这两种离子对棉花生长的毒害作用尤为突出;土壤盐分含量与Na+、SO42-、Cl-、Mg2+、Ca2+、NO32-、HCO32-离子含量均呈极显著正相关;Na+、Cl- 及SO42-是影响试验区棉田盐渍化的主要特征因子。本研究结果可为黄河三角洲地区盐渍化土地科学管理和农业可持续发展提供理论基础和实践依据。
AbstractUsing the correlation analysis and principal component analysis methods, the characteristics of soil salinity in the cotton experimental field of Yellow River Delta was carried out research. The results showed that: The soil of the experimental region was the moderate salinization, and salt appeared a certain surface aggregation phenomenon. The salt base ions in each soil layer, the Na+ was the dominant cation and the Cl- was the dominant anion. These two ions toxic for cotton growth were particularly prominent role. The soil salt content presented the significant positive correlation with the content of Na+, SO42-, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO32- and HCO32-. The Na+, Cl-, and SO42- were the major characteristic factors affected the soil salinization of the experimental cotton field. This research results cran be provided the theoretical basis and practical basis for the scientific management of the saline land and sustainable agricultural development in the Yellow River Delta.
Key wordsYellow River Delta cotton field soil salinization principle component analysis characteristics of soil salinity
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
吴从稳,陈小兵,王松涛,蒋名亮,颜 坤,付廷红,金海珠.黄河三角洲滨海棉田土壤盐分特征研究[J].杂志名称,2014,21(5):149-153
WU Cong-wen, CHEN Xiao-bing, WANG Song-tao, JIANG Ming-liang, YAN Kun, FU Ting-hong, JIN Hai-zhu.Characteristic research on the soil salinity in coastal cotton field of the Yellow River Delta[J].杂志名称,2014,21(5):149-153