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摘要:相关研究表明,用光合速率可以较好地模拟测算作物经 济产量。为全面快捷高效地筛选出更高效更适合南疆推广的枣棉间作棉花种植模式,以不同 的 行间距并结合差异化灌水对枣棉间作环境下的棉花进行处理,以此产生的不同光热环境为基 础,建 立叶片水平的净光合速率分析图。利用净光合速率折线图,结合使用棉花整个生长季实测的 叶片相关生理数据,对所建图示进行比较。结果发现,M3(距红枣行0.5 m种植棉花,枣行间 种6行棉花)、W3(按350 m3·667m-2灌水)处理的净光合速率与大田棉花的净光 合速率相似度最高。两者相交,M3W3处理的净光合速率平均值也最大,最终产量也最高,符 合实验设想。由本试验结果可以看出,利用净光合速率能提前预计作物的经济产量,节约研 究时间,在枣棉间作种植生产中,可以筛选出更好的棉花种植模式。
AbstractRelated studies showed that the photosynthetic rat e could be used to simulate the economic output of crops. In order to select hig hly efficient and suitable planting mode of cotton in intercropping with jujube in south Xinjiang, the experiment was conducted with different row spacing and d ifferent irrigation quota for cotton in jujube/cotton intercropping system. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of cotton leaves under different light and ther mal environments was analyzed, and other related physiological parameters were a lso measured, so as to compare them with each other by drawing broken line figur es. The results showed that, under the treatments of M3 (6 rows of cotton in eac h strip, and 0.5 m of spacing between jujube and cotton) and W3 (irrigation quot a: 350 m3·667m-2), the Pn of cotton was most similar to that of sol ecropping cotton; under the combined treatment of M3W3, the average Pn of cotton was the largest, and the yield was the highest. Therefore, Pn can be used for predicting the economic yield of cotton and for selecting the planting mode of cotton in jujube/cotton intercropping system.
Key wordsjujube/cotton intercropping planting mode of cotton photosynthetic data
文章编号: 0258_7106 (2016) 01_0018_15 中图分类号: P618.41 文献标志码:A
**通讯作者耿新霞, 女, 1979年生, 助理研究员, 成矿规律研究方向。 Email: gen gxinxia@cags.ac.cn
PAN Xian-tao, WAN Su-mei.Selection of planting mode of cotton in intercropping with jujube based on photosynthetic data[J].杂志名称,2013,(5):79-83